Thursday, 10 July 2014

Twinings Fruit Teas

We all have routines. Morning ones, work ones, bedtime ones. Well in October, mine changed. I quit smoking and switched to herbal teas.

I have tried many different brands and flavours and continue to try more as time goes by, but right now Twinings Fruit Teas are my choice. Of all the flavours I have tried, Cranberry & Raspberry is probably my favourite.

For the best cup of tea I find leaving it to stand for 5 minutes is perfect for it to infuse. But if you feel it is too hot, make up a jug of tea (make sure you add enough tea bags) and leave to stand until cool. Remove tea bags, pour a glass and add ice cubes for a delightfully refreshing summer drink!

I find them the perfect way to unwind, re-engage my brain and help me to focus. They are only 4 calories a cup (although possibly more for me, as I am guilty of adding some sugar), which is always a bonus. If I am honest they keep me sane and are a vital part of my routine, in fact you will usually find me armed with a cup of Twinings Cranberry & Raspberry when I sit down to work. Especially at the moment, as my little baby netbook has died. Hopefully a new charger will fix it but until then I am using my husbands laptop which is far too big and bulky for me which is incredibly frustrating!

They cost £1.49 for a box of 20 tea bags here.

What's your favourite flavour?

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