Wednesday, 16 April 2014

I Don't Poop Rainbows

I really don't poop rainbows, even if this blog sometimes seems it. So I wanted to say a little something about why this blog is usually very puppies and unicorns.

Number One is my husbands job. He works with vulnerable adults and while I am not so up my own backside to assume his bosses read our blog, I am aware that what I post is out there for anyone to read at anytime and that while I am not my husband I do represent him. In the same way your head teacher on a school trip tells you to be on your best behavior because you are representing the school.
So I try to behave. If I come on here cussing and shouting, if I insult people around us it paints a negative picture and could effect his bosses opinion of him.

Someone once said to me (regarding facebook, but applies to anything really) if you wouldn't say it in front of them, then you keep it to yourself or between you and your partner/best friend. I have been guilty in the past, when I was younger, of being mean. And yes I still sometimes rant about people, who doesn't? But now I keep those thoughts safe. I pour a glass of wine and phone my best friend or ask hubby for a back rub while I rant.

Number Two is that this is my family blog. Yes it's public and I won't deny that the 140 likes and 90 comments we got on facebook about how cute our jar labels are was heartwarming (we all like a compliment), but this blog is ultimately set up so that we can look back at our houses and decor choices and so that family can see what we have been up to. We (okay maybe more me than him) have a huge family that is spread out over the UK and splattered in other countries and this gives them a way to keep up. I know some of you are thinking "does your uncle really care about the colour of your bedroom?" and to be honest, he may not care enough to ask but that doesn't mean he doesn't care at all. When family visit, they want the grand tour. They comment on things like the bedroom decor or how cute the kitchen is. Well a lot of my family doesn't really get down this way much, so they are able to have the house tour through this blog or skip over it and catch up on what we've been up to.
Anyway, back to the main point... Because this blog is out here for our family we don't want them reading all the bad stuff. I mean sure we'll touch on things like my health etc. But they don't need to read a 4 page essay each week on useless doctors.

Number Three is the most important one. The internet is not the same as real life. I don't mean everything online is fake or anything, just it's different. If I come online and whinge and complain, anyone can read and anyone can comment. But anyone can skip over and as great as that is it can give a false perspective. But by stepping away from the computer and complaining to a friend, I know they can be trusted to listen, support and tell me when to strap on my big girl panties and get over it.

So please don't assume I'm high on fairy dust, I do get upset and annoyed. But I try to stay away from the computer when I feel that way and instead have a cuddle with the cats and calm down.

Also to touch on the lack of pictures of my son - he is 3. He is not yet old enough to consent to his picture being plastered everywhere and I'd like to respect that. That's not to say I never post pictures, but I try to limit it. The internet is forever and before I post I try to think "would he want his friends etc seeing this in 20 years time?" That doesn't in any way mean I think you're a bad parent for posting pictures of your children, it all comes down to personal preference and this is mine.

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